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Vegetarian column unfair, uninformed

I have two things that I’d like to comment on from Rishi Kundi’s column “Humans have earned spot at the top of food chain” (SN 8/23), which states his case against vegetarianism.

First, I’d like to point out a discrepancy in his argument. Kundi says he will not argue against those who do not eat meat for religious reasons, stating that “there can be no debate over the tenets of faith.” But then he dismisses those who don’t eat meat because they believe “all life is sacred,” calling that argument “rubbish.” Kundi is either ignorant of, or choosing to ignore, the sanctity of life as a main tenet of the Buddhist and Hindu religions, and the reason why many Buddhists and Hindus are vegetarians. He has done exactly what he had proclaimed he would not do.

Second, I’d like to explain the reason why I am a vegetarian, which represents the viewpoint of a number of vegetarians. It has nothing to do with “fashion,” nor is my reasoning “half-witted” or “self-righteous.”

I agree with Kundi that humans should be at the top of the food chain. I believe hunting and raising animals on family farms are acceptable ways of producing food. But I disagree with the cruelty in the treatment of animals on factory farms, the method by which much of our meat is produced in the United States.

Before Kundi writes another article on this subject I suggest he read up on this topic. Perhaps then he won’t over-generalize and belittle a viewpoint he doesn’t fully understand.

Renee Redmond
general management sophomore


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