Saturday, June 15, 2024

Say cheese!

Freshmen with cameras reflect campus pride

The cameras, provided by the university to document the graduating Class of 2005 in connection with MSU’s 150th birthday, gives freshmen a chance to explore campus and find the many stories that accompany buildings, gardens and monuments.

The sight of freshmen running around campus looking for that perfect shot reflects the pride we hope they show in their university.

It also helps get them more accustomed to campus. We hope they’ll soon be able to drop their maps to find Berkey Hall (not to be confused with Bessey Hall). The greater the number of students who know where they are is certain to produce better traffic flow.

This contest serves not only those who choose to make their contribution but those who will see this exhibition of creativity. The result of the contest will be a reflection of student life on campus. Freshmen will be exposed to new experiences such as crowded dorms, tailgating, midnight screams and the cafeteria experience.

And there may even be a few more bicycle accidents documented - purely for history’s sake, of course.

New experiences are part of what college is about. What better way to capture one than by giving the freshman class a chance to contribute its view of this campus and all that it has to offer?

For the sake of the 150th anniversary - and the traffic flow on campus - Class of 2005, drop the maps and pick up a camera.


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