Friday, September 20, 2024

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Groups stance embarrassing to U

The infiltration of Students for Economic Justice was harassment and intimidation just like during the 1960s and 1970s. What the student group is doing is very embarrassing to an institution that calls itself a land grant university.

The purpose of the Morrill Act was to extend higher education to farmers and working people. Mexican teenage workers making products for MSU in sweatshops is a total contradiction of the land grant philosophy.

In 1965, East Lansing was segregated. It was virtually impossible for people of color to rent in the city. Even though MSU President John Hannah was chairman of the U.S. Civil Rights Commission, the university did nothing to address the situation. When residents and members of the MSU community began civil rights demonstrations we were infiltrated and harassed by police.

The MSU policy on police infiltration has been in place for 40 years. Anyone who exposes a university policy that is shamelessly hypocritical can expect the same kind of treatment. This is a mockery of what a land grant university is supposed to stand for.

Mike Price
1960s student activist, MSU Stage Employees Local 274


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