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Two rowers take All-American awards

July 12, 2001

Sophomore Rachel Miller’s First Team All-American award marks the first time an MSU rower has ever won the honor. Junior Krista Buzzell was also honored as a second team selection.

“It’s fantastic,” said Bebe Bryans, head coach of the MSU women’s crew team. “They’re both incredibly ferocious competitors.”

Miller, an electrical engineering major from Meeteetse, Wyo., earned First Team All-Region honors as chosen by the Collegiate Rowing Coaches Association, and Second Team All-Big Ten honors. Honorees were chosen based on strength of schedule, varsity eight record, nomination rank and coaches’ comments.

“We’re really proud of her,” said Rachel’s father, Don Miller. “We didn’t expect her to be (a First Team All-American) so soon.”

Emily Ford, a member of the Collegiate Rowing Coaches Association, said All-American awards were chosen by a panel of five coaches, one from each of the five regions in rowing.

“Rachel Miller came out clearly ahead in the voting,” she said.

Bryans, also a member of the panel, nominated Miller and Buzzell for the awards.

Both Miller and Buzzell were members of the MSU first varsity eight, which placed 10th in May at the 2001 NCAA Women’s Rowing Championship at Lake Lanier in Gainesville, Ga. This year’s championship marked Miller’s second appearance. For Buzzell, a physical science major from Fenton, it was her third.

Bryans said the two athletes made a huge contribution to the varsity team by proving their leadership and setting the pace as the “stern pair” in front of the boat.

“They have good rhythm, which is very important to our team,” she said.

Miller and Buzzell each earned 2001 Academic All-Big Ten honors and were named CRCA National Rowing Scholar-Athletes of the year.

Bryans said academics were very important to her team: “Looking at our first boat, six out of nine made All-American Big Ten academics, and our overall GPA is 3.0.”

As for her advice to other Spartan athletes who combine studying with sports, Bryans said they should do just that.

“You have to keep the balance between the two,” she said. “You have to be committed to being successful and show resolve and care. My staff and I try to set these standards because we have to realize that they are students first.”

Miller’s father said Rachel hadn’t seriously rowed until she came to MSU two years ago.

“She was a basketball player in high school and took many other sports. She is typically a very hard worker,” he said.

After four years as coach of the varsity crew team, Bryans would still like to make her team better and hopefully win an NCAA championship.

“We have to re-evaluate what works and what doesn’t,” she said.


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