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Police briefs 07/18/01

A 31-year-old male student reported his MSU ID stolen at 9:50 a.m. Monday, MSU police Detective Tony Willis said. The student left the card unattended on a table in the Main Library, and when he returned it was missing. There are no suspects.

  • An excavating company digging at the new Shaw Hall parking ramp hit a gas line about 9:30 a.m. Monday, Willis said. The Chemistry Building was evacuated and no one was hurt. Consumer’s Power was contacted.Damage was reported to be $100.
  • A 16-year-old female visiting for a soccer camp reported her backpack missing. Willis said she left it unattended at IM Sports-East field. The bag contained money, a cell phone and her high school ID, Willis said. The items are valued at $250, and police have no suspects.
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