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Commissioner to run for council

May 14, 2001

Kevin Beard says he’s ready to move on to the East Lansing City Council after seven years on the city’s planning commission.

Beard, 45, has been an East Lansing resident for 17 years and has been chairman of the planning commission for the past five years.

He said with the experience he has gained on the commission as well as six years on his neighborhood association board, he is more than ready to be a city council member.

“I really think I am prepared and qualified to tackle the big challenges the city has before it,” he said. “I also think I bring the right kind of values to the process.”

Beard said one of his main concerns for the city is public involvement in the council meetings and city processes.

He said the city council needs to have adequate means for residents to be heard early in the planning process.

“You have to give these folks credit. They understand the issues,” he said. “If you can collect good ideas from those folks and then turn it over to staff everybody gets a chance to be heard.

“I’ve seen it work very well, and I want to see more of that happen.”

If elected to city council, Beard also hopes to better develop some of the commercial areas in East Lansing, such as Lake Lansing, Coolidge and Trowbridge roads.

“There is a lot of focus on redeveloping the downtown,” he said. “But I am concerned that those three areas might be getting away from us.”

Beard said the city needs to make those areas more pedestrian-friendly, especially with all of the new subdivisions and apartments being developed in the northern part of the city.

“Safety and appearance would be prime concerns for redoing that area,” he said.

Beard said Trowbridge Road is a major entrance into the city coming off of the highway.

“I’m not sure we’ve got the best mix of business in the boulevard to take advantage of all the potential customers,” he said. “These are all things we should be looking at to make our city attractive.”

Fred Bauries, vice chairman of the planning commission, said Beard is the right person for the job.

“He has lots of energy and a lot of experience,” he said. “He is very community-spirited.

“The only thing that saddens me about him running for city council is that if he gets elected we lose him in the commission.”

Ann McAuliffe, the city’s deputy clerk, said the competition for the positions will be tough.

So far Vic Loomis, chairman of the Downtown Development Authority, incumbent Bill Sharp, MSU student Matt Mitroka and Beard have filed.

McAuliffe said 12 people have taken out petitions and all potential candidates have until 4 p.m. Tuesday to turn in their paperwork.

“There are already four people who have filed,” she said. “But there will definitely be more than four running.”

There will be a primary election Aug. 7. The final election will be held Nov. 6.

Beard, however, said while he knows the election will be tough, he feels he is the best person for the job.

“I expect a very competitive race in the summer and into the fall,” he said. “I fully expect to win.

“I think I’ve got a record that shows that I am open, objective, a good listener and respectful of the citizens.”


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