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Police briefs 04/27/01

A 19-year-old female student reported her coat stolen from the Holden Hall cafeteria Wednesday, MSU police Detective Tony Willis said.The coat, which carried a cell phone in the pocket, was left at a dining table at approximately 6 p.m.Losses are estimated at $130 and police have no suspects.

  • A computer hard drive was taken from a fourth-floor computer lab located in the Chemistry Building between 11 p.m. Friday and 9 a.m. Saturday. A lab employee returned Saturday morning to find the hard drive missing.The lab is used frequently by graduate students and faculty, and is traditionally open 24 hours. Losses are estimated at $100, Willis said. Police have no suspects.
  • A 19-year-old female student was arrested Wednesday after being asked to surrender an invalid accessible/handicap parking permit. The student was accused of obstructing justice, a misdemeanor. The woman was parked in Lot 76, located at MSU’s police station. The suspect faces a $50 ticket for the invalid pass and could receive additional fines if found guilty of the offense, Willis said.
  • An MSU custodial worker in the Engineering Building discovered nine boxes of 250-count trash bags and nine cases of toilet tissue were missing from a storage room normally only accessible by staff.The items were reportedly taken between March 19 and April 12. Losses are estimated at $780.Police have no suspects, but an investigation is pending, Willis said.
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