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Jayes recent actions reflect negatively on Michigan

The recent actions of Sen. David Jaye, R-Washington Township, are embarrassing and irresponsible for a man of his stature.

Jaye’s position came into question Tuesday when Senate Majority Leader Dan DeGrow, R-Port Huron, issued a resolution to form a committee that will investigate the ability of Jaye to serve in the Michigan Senate.

Charges were brought against Jaye in Florida earlier this month for assaulting his fiancée. This is the most recent in a string of incidents, including charges for drunken driving last summer and assaulting a motorist at a gas station in November.

He has been stripped of his committee assignments in the Senate twice for his actions, and has been asked to resign by several other senators. He is scheduled to appear in a Florida court May 8.

Democrats, the minority in the Senate, have come out in support of Republican leadership on this issue.

The total of three drunken driving offenses is ridiculous, not to mention an incident in which he dropped a gun during a caucus meeting.

Jaye has put himself in the public eye by serving in the Senate, and therefore must adhere to society’s standards and face up to criticism. Not only is he a public figure, he acts as a lawmaker for the state of Michigan.

It is a reasonable request that those who make society’s laws must also follow them. Not only does he set a bad example for the public through his actions; he is an embarrassment to the state’s legislative process.

As a political figure, Jaye has brought media attention to himself, creating an unsavory role model with his three drunken driving convictions.

The serious nature of his convictions must also be considered. His arrests were not for minor incidences; driving while intoxicated is potentially life threatening not only for himself, but for others around him.

In the past, politicians have been convicted of inappropriate dealings with public funds, but Jaye stepped over the line by endangering the lives of others.

Politicians are elected to a position of responsibility. While not all his or her constituents are expected to agree with his or her political views, they at least expect their representative to serve in a responsible manner.

As if the public didn’t already have a negative view of politicians, Jaye is only helping to lower the credibility of the legislative process in general. The fact there is bipartisan support against him speaks for itself. It’s not very often that Democrats and Republicans agree on anything - now they agree action should be taken against Jaye.

At this point, it would be severe for Jaye to be expelled from the Senate. Any action taken against him by the Senate should be postponed until it is determined whether he is guilty of charges by the Florida court.

If Jaye cannot respect his own fiancée, it’s hard to expect him to respect the government or his constituents.


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