Friday, May 3, 2024

Article was an attack on student

I am writing in response to Friday’s front-page student bashing (“Inconsistencies found in student’s résumé,” SN 4/20).

I am absolutely appalled by the complete lack of tact shown by this newspaper in handling its mistakes. The State News claims the article was an attempt to fix its mistakes and “should not be seen as an attack on (Amondo) Redmond.” What a bunch of crap.

First of all, if this were a true attempt to correct a mistake, it would have been more than appropriate for the reporter of the initial article on Redmond to write an article correcting the mistake. Also, it should not take three people to correct one person’s mistake.

Secondly, if this “should not be seen as an attack,” then the headline should not read “Inconsistencies found in student’s résumé” on the most visible part of the front page. Try “State News attempts to correct mistake,” and then we can believe you really wanted to try fixing things. There were many other noteworthy stories that could have and should have gained top billing on the front page, including a protest to offensive and disrespectful T-shirts about females being distributed on campus.

The next time The State News is attempting to correct its mistakes, it should consider the following: Any time you write statements like “Redmond shouldn’t get his hopes too high” along with a front-page headline of “Inconsistencies found in student’s résumé,” it will be seen as a personal attack.

When you don’t begin such an article by admitting your mistake before presenting information, it will look fabricated. It makes your publication have insincere intentions.

I believe a public apology is in order to Redmond in the same fashion that both last Thursday’s retraction and Friday’s article were presented: in full view on the front page. Anything less is unsatisfactory and tactless.

DeAndre Carter
marketing senior,
former Mr. Black MSU


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