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Students should decide Pie sequel

Once again, I have been let down by MSU. This most recent disappointment stems from university administrators rejecting Universal Studios’ request to use MSU in the sequel to “American Pie” (“Administrators: Thumbs down to ‘Pie’ sequel,” SN 2/27).

This may seem trivial to most people, but this is just another incident stemming from a larger problem: the problem being the administration, once again proven here, is out of touch with its students.

How many students do you think it asked about being represented in the film? I know when I saw MSU represented in the first film, I was excited. There were never any derogatory statements made about the university. In fact, it showed typical (for the most part) high school kids choosing to go to MSU over other universities. This made the movie that much better for me.

University spokesman Terry Denbow was quoted as saying, “It was a classroom setting that was not deemed appropriate or reflective of our classrooms or our students.” Denbow was a guest speaker in one of my classes last semester and he seemed to be out of touch with the students. This quote proves my theory.

How many of these administrators who make these decisions really know how students act in class or how students feel about classes overall? They seem to be making decisions without taking into consideration how students feel - and that is the exact opposite of how this university should work.

If you have a corporation that never consults with its employees, what do you think will happen? It is called bankruptcy, out of business. You are finished.

This is not a good way to run the university. This sequel will not deter students from attending MSU, but never asking students their opinions will. This is just something for the administrators to think about - if they feel what a student has to say is worth their time.

Seth Erskine
communication senior


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