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Safe revelry

How students celebrate will reflect on U, basketball team

As the MSU basketball team prepares to play Arizona on Saturday in its third consecutive NCAA Final Four appearance, students should congratulate the team and themselves for a great season.

With the memories of the March 27-28, 1999, riot after MSU’s loss to Duke still haunting the university, students should think about how circumstances have improved in the two years since.

In the March 27-28, 1999, riot, 132 people were arrested, although only 71 were MSU students. The night of the championship game last year, there were only 26 arrests, with 13 being MSU students.

This weekend’s celebration is likely to continue the trend of fewer incidents and arrests involving MSU students.

It is unfortunate MSU students involved in the March 27-28,1999, riot decided violence was the right way to convey their feelings about the game. Although the results of the game are important to many - particularly the members of the basketball team - students should remember it’s just a game.

Peaceful celebrations will also decrease tensions on campus and increase positive relations between students and police officers.

Students should also remember who they are representing when they act out their feelings about the basketball games. The actions taken by students will reflect on what fans think about the basketball team, as well as the university.

Last year’s celebrations on campus were a drastic improvement from the year before. And because the majority of people involved both years who were arrested were not MSU students, the university’s reputation will continue to be positive.

Because MSU students have been fairly nonviolent after basketball games, police officers are becoming more understanding of students’ feelings. Relations between students and police have improved greatly since the March 27-28,1999, riot and will only go on if students take responsibility for their actions and respect the police.

However, there will always be some students who act irresponsibly and contribute negatively to MSU’s reputation. But with the improvements students have made thus far - by not including themselves in the majority of violent acts - celebrations will be just that.

The events that follow the game this year, regardless of its outcome, will be better than last year’s celebration.

Students are aware of how they will reflect on their peers, the players, the school and even head coach Tom Izzo, and will act accordingly.

When the MSU basketball team plays Arizona on Saturday, students should think about the players’ accomplishments and how they would like to see the university represented.

The most sincere way to congratulate the team should be to recognize its accomplishments during the season and celebrate safely.


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