Thursday, September 19, 2024

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Riot coverage should be stopped

The State News should start covering news, not rehashing old, painful memories.

The article on the 1999 riot following the men’s loss to Duke was entirely unnecessary (“E.L. police, ‘U’ recall riot; look ahead to peaceful celebration,” SN 3/28). This event has been more than completely covered by the local media.

At a time when our university is trying to increase funding from the state of Michigan - and at least come close to the levels the University of Michigan receives - this kind of negative publicity is absolutely uncalled for. The riot may have been one of the darkest moments for our university, but it actually will serve to ensure nothing like it ever occurs again.

Students of this university do not want to damage the value of the degree they will receive from here. In case no one noticed, Penn State University recently experienced the same type of catastrophe. I would imagine its local media, and its own university paper, will not keep running front page stories about it two years later.

We, the students of this university, are sick of it! Try and report on some actual news in the future.

Cory Ross
music education sophomore


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