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Letters ideas were insensitive

I am writing in response to Kye Tidey’s letter “Eating disorders are not diseases,” (SN 3/14). The writer’s assumption that anorexia nervosa is a choice, not a disease, strikes me as a bit naive and insensitive.

For one, Webster’s Dictionary defines the term “disease” as “a condition of an organism that impairs normal physiological functioning,” which I believe fits the pathological condition of anorexia nervosa quite well.

Also, the author’s statement “just because you choose to starve yourself is no reason to place yourself in groups that have a real struggle” is an offensive slap in the face to anyone who has ever witnessed this condition at its worst.

I have had more friends than I would like to count battle this disease - I won’t hesitate from calling it that - and at certain stages it is nearly impossible for anorexia nervosa patients to block the mindset that states they need to lose weight, or reason through their actions, even if they are aware of their unhealthy condition.

Prevention of the disease may not even be possible. Mental health factors are usually present in cases of anorexia nervosa, and after a period of starvation, physical deficiencies result.

To hastily label anorexia nervosa as a choice and not a disease signifies the inability to see it on a larger scale.

Emily Buckler
communication freshman


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