Thursday, September 19, 2024

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ASMSU should not boycott CATA

ASMSU should drop its ridiculous effort to boycott CATA’s fare increase before its members embarrass themselves any further (“ASMSU to boycott if CATA raises fare,” SN 3/21).

Am I alone in remembering the days before CATA came on campus? MSU bus fares were 60 cents - more than CATA’s proposed increase - yet students still rode the bus. I don’t know the figures as to how much ridership increased when CATA took over with the cheaper fares, but everyone was certainly happy. I am sure more students rode the bus, but a large group would have kept riding because it had no other options.

CATA tried repeatedly to get student input on this matter by hosting informational meetings both on campus and at its transit center downtown. Students did not attend. Obviously, the thought of paying an extra quarter to ride the bus did not faze the student body or ASMSU members at that time.

Now that the school year is winding down, some members of the Student Assembly feel it necessary to do something “worthwhile,” and their attempt to pass a boycott bill is ludicrous.

Quite frankly, a boycott would not be successful. I highly doubt such a bill from ASMSU would motivate students not to ride the bus. The members might choose not to, but the general student body will brush it off and ride the bus anyway.

Student Assembly should not hesitate in voting this measure down. The students and ASMSU had their chance to make their concerns known to CATA, and did not care enough then to say anything.

The rate increase is reasonable and a boycott would be unsuccessful. My advice to these individuals who have such a problem with the increase: walk, and use your quarter to call someone who cares.

Haley Sinclair
political theory and
constitutional democracy junior


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