Thursday, September 19, 2024

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Vegan food isnt available in caf

Things were hard enough when I was a vegetarian. But now I’ve decided to try veganism, and I just can’t take it any longer. Tonight my dinner consisted of salad, carrots and dry Cheerios. Last night it was rice and a banana.
There are many different kinds of plant-based foods available to vegans, but dorm cafeterias don’t offer them - to them, cheese sticks and cheese lasagna are appropriate vegetarian options.
Granted, choosing to eliminate animal products from my diet was my decision - but why shouldn’t MSU support healthy, ethical food? It wouldn’t be hard to offer cous-cous or baked tofu. Why doesn’t it?
And another thing - because I’m a freshman, I have to live on campus. Because I live on campus, I had to pay for a meal plan, thus giving the university money to pay for all the meat and dairy products I don’t eat. I have made a decision to no longer support the meat and dairy industries - why can’t MSU respect that?
I know changes won’t be made before the end of this semester - and next year I’m living off campus. I hate to think vegetarians and vegans will have to deal with this, or that people will be turned off from an ethical lifestyle because they live in the dorms.
Something must be done about this - vegans are waiting and hungry.

Sarah Mcdonald
journalism freshman


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