Thursday, September 19, 2024

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Take care of U.S. before others

I am responding to Brian Emerson Jones’ column (“Bush’s memorandum can be felt worldwide,” SN 2/7). I have only read the first two paragraphs and already feel it necessary to write this letter.

Yes, Bush did end U.S. funding to family planning organizations - organizations outside of the United States. Jones might not realize this because he’s still in school, but when he gets that magic piece of paper and a job to go along with it, he’ll see just how big of a chunk Uncle Sam takes from the paycheck.

Why should my hard-earned dollars be paying for family planning organizations outside of the United States in the first place, regardless of their stand on abortion? Don’t we have enough problems right here at home? I would much rather see that money go to inner-city rescue projects, etc.

Jones also states this cut in funding is going to cause a large amount of deaths worldwide, as a result of starvation and overpopulation. What facts or statistics is this statement based on? Throughout Jones’ column, his personal opinion was presented as factual.

Nathan Kourofsky
2000 MSU graduate


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