Thursday, September 19, 2024

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Star was used inappropriately

This letter is in reference to Justin Bilicki’s political cartoon printed Feb. 15. The cartoon portrayed an executioner labeled Sharon, as in Ariel Sharon - Israel’s newly elected prime minister - peering down at a small hand reaching from below. The individual’s weapon is a chain with the Star of David, a Jewish icon, attached to it. My concern for this cartoon is not for the portrayal of Sharon, but that a religious symbol was used in such a negative way.

As in the United States, there will always be both supporters and opponents of whoever is in power in the Israeli government. The people of Israel democratically elected Sharon. These are both true democracies. We, as a democratic society, should fully and wholeheartedly support the democratic process wherever it takes place.

The State News and Bilicki, under the First Amendment, are entitled to their opinions of elected officials. But to use the Jewish star in the degradation of someone’s character is offensive and considered anti-Semitic. I am appalled because Bilicki could have criticized Sharon and his political policies without using a Jewish symbol, yet did so without concern.

This was a political cartoon, and I ask what do Bilicki and The State News mean by this criticism?

Andy Bocknek
finance junior


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