Thursday, September 19, 2024

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Rape should be taken seriously

I have never been so motivated to write to The State News than after I read the most chauvinistic letter I’ve ever seen (“Rape accusation is very serious,” SN 2/22).

How dare you assume this poor girl brought that on herself! You are the problem with society today, and the reason so many victims of rape are afraid to come forward.

Don’t you think this girl has asked herself a thousand times if maybe she was just too drunk? I bet she’s put a lot more thought into it than your rash decision that she probably guzzled some booze and was looking for sex.

When did the comparison to being raped at gunpoint ever enter into your mind? That made no sense whatsoever. And who would you have rather had interviewed for the article - a rapist?

Would you still be “sick and tired of these women not taking responsibility for their actions” if this tragedy happened to your sister or mother?

You’ve obviously never had a friend or family member go through anything like this, but that is still no excuse for your total lack of morality.

Henry Lumbard
packaging sophomore


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