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Put Earnhardts death on Page One

As auto-racing is the second most popular televised sport in the nation after football, I was surprised to see The State News coverage of the tragedy at Daytona 500 buried on page 2 of the sports section on Monday. You did not even write an article about the Daytona 500, which to NASCAR is the Super Bowl of auto races.

Dale Earnhardt helped to make the sport what it is today. He was huge - this story was huge. I am appalled at the lack of information provided by The State News.

Maybe none of you have ever watched NASCAR and did not even know who Dale Earnhardt was. However, when something of this magnitude shocks the racing world, I expect it to be covered by the nation’s largest collegiate newspaper.

Being one of his millions of fans, I grew up watching him race and my family and I were crushed to learn of his tragic death. The State News should have given NASCAR’S racing legend more respect. He deserved a much larger tribute after a 20-year career.

Julie Spivey
food industry
management senior


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