Thursday, September 19, 2024

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Bush is president - he deserves a chance

In case you hadn’t noticed, Jan. 20 did not mark the end of modern civilization - so please stop acting like it.

For good, or - to some - arguably for ill, George W. Bush was elected and installed as president of the United States.

This is a fact that either elates or repulses you, but it remains the same that it is a fact.

In the 19 days W. has been in office, I have heard increased skepticism and mounting scrutiny over every single action - analyzing, commenting and quipping. True, the beauty of the First Amendment to the Constitution is that we can speak loudly and freely. Yet, I firmly believe there comes a point where one must come to positively accept the current political situation.

We Americans have at least 1,441 days of moderately conservative government. In this time we can expect to see some of the issues Bush championed in his campaign presented to Congress and signed into law.

To the extreme liberals and naysayers: Please give President Bush a chance to present his agendas without jumping to drastic conclusions. Given the precarious nature of American politics, as evidenced by last year’s presidential election, I cannot foresee anyone entrusted with the presidential duties dramatically changing the face of our nation.

Sure, there is the possibility Bush may appoint one or more justices to the Supreme Court and his proposed tax cuts may take shape, but how can one honestly believe something new or something radical will occur? This is a finely wrapped package from our founders, who deliberately made our federal government fairly unresponsive to mass persuasion.

Another gem of the Constitution is that if we are unsatisfied with a current government, we can choose to elect a new leader or let an entirely different political party come into control. Democracy is a beautiful thing.

Enough about future speculation and let us focus on the present - the Bush administration. So far in his short term of office, there has been more than enough negativity. Like it or not, assembling a Cabinet that pleases everyone is just shy of impossible. He has effectively surrounded himself with peers who will dutifully serve the needs of the nation and the Republican Party.

The ability to delegate authority is essential to a successful term of office. From the brief glimpse of what we have seen of his tenure, I am convinced that - much to the dismay of scandal-mongers - W. will not, through words or actions, jeopardize the stability of our nation, as some critics have predicted.

However, at the same time, I understand the skepticism surrounding some of the more controversial appointments, like that of Attorney General John Ashcroft. But I would like to reiterate that what one does in local or state government is not always indicative of how one will act when representing the federal interest.

For one thing, the accountability factor is certainly higher at the federal level. One may be responsible to a thoroughly conservative state, yet when one assumes a federal office, one is culpable to an entire nation of both progressive and passive.

The notion of moderation becomes the new key word for the politico. Straying to one extreme of the ideological spectrum can be political suicide, a fact I am quite sure the president is acquainted with and does not care to sample.

George W. Bush is the type of citizen who personifies the United States: He is a Texas rancher with a devoted family, he is motivated and he fully acknowledges his mistakes. He also has tremendous charisma and affability, characteristics that are essential to diplomacy and as his campaign theme suggests, he strives to be “a uniter, not a divider.”

So I ask the cynics to give W. a chance to make his mark on the history of the United States. He is taking on much more responsibility than I dare say many of us could even conceive.

For this he deserves even the harshest skeptics’ respect and admiration. Abandon the negativity for a few moments, and you will be pleasantly surprised - you may just like what he has to offer.

Of his success I am not certain, but I place my confidence in his ability to lead our nation.

And so should you.

Jessica Meyers, a political theory and constitutional democracy senior, can be reached at


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