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RHAs resolution passed in 1999

I would like to quickly address the issue that was raised with regards to RHA’s lack of effort on the issue of peepholes (“Safe living,” SN 1/24).

First, I would like to begin by stating a few facts.

One, the resolution that RHA passed supporting peepholes was passed unanimously in fall of 1999.

Two, the Safety and Security Group that you speak of was formed as a direct result of the passage of that resolution.

Third, an internal Safety Committee was formed within three weeks of the passage of that resolution and is presenting its findings to the University-Wide Safety Committee on Feb. 6.

Finally, last year’s president and this year’s president were instructed by the General Assembly to achieve these measures by pretty much any means necessary.

Finally, the next time you choose to slam a student group for two years of diligent work please check your facts (“Campus group discusses peepholes” SN 10/20/99 and “Dorm security procedures evaluated” SN 11/16/99). Your own publication covers the fact that RHA made this proposal of peepholes.

James McEvoy
psychology junior,
Internal vice president of RHA


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