Friday, May 3, 2024

Drug excuses responsibility

This is in response to the editorial (“Our Voice” SN 1/16) expressing the opinion that the morning-after pill should be made an over-the-counter drug.

Once again, Americans are trying to finding an easier way to not take responsibilities for their actions. What sexually active people are forgetting is that sexually transmitted diseases are not the only thing they have to worry about when making the decision to have sex - pregnancy is the other.

The “mature” decision-maker knows upon engaging in such activities as this that there is a chance that they might be infected or become pregnant. If they’re not old enough to deal with these consequences then maybe they should think twice before they make the decision to partake in those actions.

With every liberal act passed, people are seen as less and less responsible for their actions. This is the sad but true state of the United States in the recent past, and will further push us down the road of moral decay.

The second point I want to make comes in the debate of Social Security. Do we really want to make it easier to kill babies in this country? We are already faced with the proposition of not being able to take care of our elderly. One of the reasons for this is that since Roe v. Wade, we have effectively eliminated hundreds of thousands of employees who would be paying their share into Social Security if they hadn’t been aborted. The boomers are now going into retirement at an ever-increasing rate and there is not enough people working to support them as they try to pull benefits from our system. This will only worsen the problem by making it easier to eliminate future workers who would otherwise pay their taxes.

We need to turn over a new leaf in this country and start holding people accountable for their actions, not providing them with ever-easier ways to weasel out of them. Until this happens we will continue down the path of the only other society in history that compares to America - Rome. And if you forgot what happened to them, pick up a history book - they came crashing down.

Jay Wade
2000 MSU alumnus


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