Friday, May 3, 2024

LaFleur column condescending

I’ve read John LaFleur’s article (“Retailers sold out Christmas to be politically correct,” SN 11/30), and I’ve read many of the responses to his obviously biased article.

First of all, LaFleur, isn’t one of the big themes of Christmas “Peace on Earth, Good Will Toward Men?” Doesn’t this include all people, regardless of faith or beliefs? Or rather, shouldn’t it?

So what’s wrong with retailers and salespeople saying an all-encompassing “Happy Holidays” or “Season’s Greetings?” It’s an easy way to make sure everyone is included, instead of having to exclude a holiday by just saying “Merry Christmas.”

Second, you argue about the invalidity of Kwanzaa. Granted, Kwanzaa was created fairly recently, but so what?

If people want to celebrate it, they should be allowed to whenever they see fit, because it is something they believe in.

As far as Winter Solstice and Hanukkah go, both were around long before Christmas, so whatever argument you’re trying to make that Christmas is the only “important” December holiday is absurd. Just because the beliefs of the people who celebrate those holidays may be different from yours does not mean they’re somehow not as good.

I guess my main point, LaFleur, is that you seem to be missing the point of the season. No matter what your religion or what respective holiday you celebrate, this time of year is about (or should be about) happiness, understanding and being with family and loved ones, no matter what you might be coming together for.

And LaFleur, one last thing - Happy Holidays.

Hanna O’Neill
German sophomore


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