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SN bus letter tells truthful tale

I agree entirely with Kathryn Feeley’s letter about the Capital Area Transportation Authority service on route 20-S (“Bus service slow transporting ‘U,’;” SN 11/8).

I live in an off-campus apartment complex at the southwest end of campus, and my only choice for a bus is the 20-S South Harrison Avenue bus. Not only is the route unreliable, but it doesn’t run nearly as often as the other routes during the day.

While I understand that CATA is giving more attention, and funds, to the routes that concentrate on the MSU campus, there are many of us who do live off campus and rely on the bus for our transportation.

It is very frustrating to miss the only bus that will take you home - or to class - by seconds and have to wait a half-hour or more for another. While I believe CATA is doing an excellent job providing service for campus, I think maybe the needs of the other routes should be considered. Many who live in university apartment complexes take the 20-S as well as those of us who live off campus in that area.

The point of taking the bus, in my opinion, is to avoid extreme weather conditions, decrease travel time and to increase the overall ease and safety of transportation both on and off campus. I hope CATA will consider this and take measures to increase the frequency and reliability of the 20-S for the good of patrons both on and off campus.

Aimee Kiefer
zoology and criminal justice senior


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