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Paper reviews unpopular music

I would like to voice my displeasure with the CDs that the MS&U section chose to review Wednesday (“‘Grinch’ updates classic,” “Manson stresses music over shock” and “Blink-182 brings back punk with live album,” SN 11/22).

Choosing not to review the Backstreet Boys’ newest CD, “Black & Blue,” is not only unprofessional, but also an insult to pop music fans everywhere. Do the music reporters find anything odd about not reviewing a CD that is going to go platinum in one week? I know, I know, pop music is not The State News’ forte. It prefers bands that only play in basements and snack bars.

Regardless, pop music is short for “popular” - imagine that - and to not review what will undoubtedly be the No. 1 CD in the country for some time, well, that’s just asinine.

Are there millions of fans out there who were waiting and waiting for the “Grinch” soundtrack CD to be released? Were they lining up at record stores across the nation to get their own copy at midnight sharp? Last year, when ’N Sync’s album was released The State News chose to review Joni Mitchell. I’m not sure how many albums that sold, but I’m willing to bet it is less then 500,000. That week, ’N Sync achieved a record for one week’s sales with 2.4 million. So why review a CD that will sell 50,000 copies in its first week when there is a superior one that will sell at least 1 million?

Dallas Smoke
elementary education sophomore


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