Friday, May 3, 2024

Romance, having a sweetie makes life more fun

I am one of those girlfriends who bakes heart-shaped cakes and frosts them with pink icing to celebrate Valentine’s Day.

One of those girlfriends who leaves dorky little love notes and throws surprise birthday parties.

One of those girlfriends who helps her boyfriends’ moms make dinner and plays cards with little sisters.

And somehow, despite all my positive girlfriend qualities, I am single for Sweetest Day.

I haven’t been single for a romantic holiday in more than a year and a half, so this weekend will be tough to take, as I watch my friends and family members cuddle up with their sweeties.

I am in my longest stretch of singlehood since I started at MSU in 1997. And I haven’t really been single for all that long.

But don’t get me wrong: I don’t mind being single in the slightest. I love seeing my friends as much as I want and not having to worry about how some cute boy’s parents will react to my nose ring. Being single means I have time for school, friends and work.

Dating means romance, which I love. Romance, though, doesn’t necessarily mean candlelight dinners and champagne and strawberries. It’s more like making falafel for the special someone who makes you chocolate-chip pancakes. Romance is not preparing dinner because you want breakfast in bed in the morning, but because you know your sweetie will love the falafel.

To me, with my naive, idealistic view of the world, that is love. I am good at being in love - it is one of my greatest skills.

I have been in love three times, if you count the little boy I kissed when I was 5, convinced that we would spend our lives together. But if that doesn’t count, I have swoon-worthy tales of first love to tell my grandkids. And tales of second love when I was a little older and knew better what I deserved and what I wanted.

But in any case, I walk through life giddy and goofy as I bask in the honeymoon stage. I let people know how strongly I feel about them, I even call when I say I’ll call.

Sure, there’s more to love than that, like listening and being compassionate and accepting. But when Sweetest Day rolls around, what I really want to do is give presents and snuggle.

I know I can count on my dad to buy me a box of chocolates so I don’t feel left out when seemingly everyone gets teddy bears and boxer shorts from his or her significant other. But chocolates from Dad just aren’t the same, that’s for sure.

No matter what the single police - you know, the ones running around saying it’s better to be alone - say, it’s nice to be in love. People are not meant to be alone. It’s human nature - from the time we are born, we are always looking for love and companionship.

Sometimes it’s just nice to have someone to call when you get home from work at 3 in the morning. Sometimes it’s just nice to know you have plans for Friday night even if you haven’t planned anything official. You can always throw on your cutest pants and go out for dinner with someone who will look you in the eye and know you better than anyone and still love you.

Gloriane Peck, State News MS&U editor, isn’t really looking for a beau. But if you like long walks on Lake Lansing beach and watching the sunset from the colored parking structure, woo her at


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