Saturday, September 14, 2024

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Native Americans were not weak

In his letter (“Columbus Day is important to all,” SN 10/17) Brandon Whitbread “objectively” stated that Native Americans were weak and Europeans were strong. He felt that Columbus deserves to be celebrated for sparking interest in America. I agree Christopher Columbus sparked interest in America and that has led to what we have today - whether that is good or bad is also subjective.

But, to say that the Native Americans were weak and fell to the strong is ridiculous. They could not even fight against the Europeans because of the disease and weapons they were up against - again this does not make the Europeans stronger, that too is subjective, it depends on what you believe is strong. Columbus Day is offensive to a whole culture of people because it signifies the destruction of their ancestors, culture and heritage.

Would you say that the white man was stronger than the African because he went over to Africa and killed and captured African men and women? Would you say Adolf Hitler was strong for what he did to the Jews? Or how about a man who decides to rape a woman, or vice versa, are they strong for what they did?

What became of America is not because of Columbus. He may have sparked initial interest but the successes we have seen are because of the great thinkers that have actually contributed to America, and for me that does not mean stealing land and killing others to succeed. I guess it all depends on how you define “strong.”

I hope Whitbread and others who sympathize with him find the time to talk with some Native Americans who identify with their culture and who can share their experiences and understanding of the past with them.

Melissa Bailey
social work and community
relations senior


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