Saturday, May 18, 2024

U needs to teach diversity better

I am writing in response to Ellen Sciba’s letter to the editor printed in The State News (“Rock article was not newsworthy,” SN 10/10). After reading Sciba’s letter I couldn’t help but scratch my head in wonderment at how a journalism senior could view the events that transpired with regards to the rock in such a shallow, narrow and superficial light. I wonder if this is the type of critical thinking that MSU produces. If so, please let me speak immediately with whoever has oversight of the curricula at MSU.

Please do not get me wrong. I am not trying to make light of MSU. I respect this institution of higher learning. What I do not respect is an institution that has incidents such as this happen on a continual basis. If it isn’t a fraternity breaking its word, it is a sorority breaking crosses. They are only following the examples set by the federal government with regards to the United States’ violations of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, MSU’s violations of agreements with Movimiento Estudiantil Xicano de Aztlan and the way dominant society marginalizes minority ethnic groups into easily trampled packages represented by Chihuahuas selling tacos.

I can understand Sciba being upset that her comfort zone has been infringed upon. It takes a lifetime of indoctrination to acquire such a trifling perspective and I’m sure she has better things to do than to see the larger picture.

I myself have been the victim of “momentary lapses of reason” when I thought this country was some sort of melting pot. I didn’t know that it meant the loss of your history, culture and self. I was disappointed, sure, but, with the help of other Chicanos we did blow things up and made the front page numerous times.

The new members of MEXA were not trying to disrespect Sigma Alpha Mu or any member of this group. It is more likely they were excited to spread their message to the MSU community. They will stand up and defend their community. Perhaps it could have been done better. They could have painted “liars” or “oath-breakers.” No big deal. What is a big deal is that incidents like this reflect upon what is being taught or not taught at MSU. What can be discerned is a historical pattern of denigration, disrespect and arrogance that is highlighted by letters such as Sciba’s when an article such as this (“Fraternity paints over heritage message on rock,” SN 9/25) is printed. Sciba, please work on developing more critical thinking. MSU powers that be, please work on educating your student body with regards to all of your diverse student body’s histories, perhaps by expanding the Multicultural Center or providing a Chicano studies degree instead of a Chicano-Latino specialization. Lead the way by honoring your agreements with Chicano students and catch up with the rest of the Big Ten.

Rainer Delgado
Lansing resident


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