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New art museum seeks student involvement

March 3, 2011
A construction worker rides a cherry picker to the ground after doing some welding Thursday at the top of the structure that will soon be the Eli and Edith Brode Art Museum. Construction is scheduled to be completed in the spring of 2012, and currently administrators are assembling a student committee to increase student involvement in the museum. Kat Petersen/The State News
A construction worker rides a cherry picker to the ground after doing some welding Thursday at the top of the structure that will soon be the Eli and Edith Brode Art Museum. Construction is scheduled to be completed in the spring of 2012, and currently administrators are assembling a student committee to increase student involvement in the museum. Kat Petersen/The State News

With the guidance of museum administrators, students will have the opportunity to plan events for the Eli and Edythe Broad Art Museum after construction is completed next spring.

Director Michael Rush is working to connect a group of students interested in planning events, parties and programs for students at the new museum.

“This will be run by students, for students,” Rush said. “They really want this to be a student-driven organization where students organize events — events that would be of particular interest to students.”

Since mid-February, more than 45 graduate and undergraduate students from various majors have shown interest in joining the committee, said Christine Nichols, communication and events coordinator for the Kresge Art Museum. Rush contacted Nichols to assist in initial work organizing the student group.

Organizers will continue reaching out to interested students until about the end of March, Nichols said. Students from all disciplines — not just art majors — are welcome to participate, she said.

“Art is happening everywhere and people might not even think that what they’re doing (is art,) but they’re being creative (and) innovative,” Nichols said. “The art museum isn’t just about fine
art. … It’s capturing more (and) making it more interdisciplinary.”

Working with students from different academic backgrounds will offer new perspectives, said Chelsea Kinjorski, a Residential College in the Arts and Humanities senior.

“I know there’s plenty of students who have a passion for art who don’t have the (art) class background,” she said.

Watching the progress of construction from Berkey Hall and talking about it during class, sociology graduate student John Girdwood’s interest in the museum sparked.

“I think that Kresge (Art Museum) is almost like a hidden gem and it never really got enough publicity,” Girdwood said. “Because this is coming on with such full force to the public eye, I wanted to be on board to steer it in the right direction.”

Students across campus will find something interesting in the museum, Rush said.

“Contemporary art addresses almost every aspect of contemporary life,” he said. “We really feel the museum is for everybody and is relevant to everybody.”

The excitement of a new museum and the other genre of art it will house also will increase student interest, Kinjorski said.

“I feel like a lot of students aren’t interested in the Kresge (Art Museum) because it’s not new,” she said. “Contemporary art just has that edge to it that will really appeal to the students.”

The committee will help make the building a “real home for student engagement,” Rush said.

“We want everybody to know about the museum,” Rush said. “We want it to be a place for student interaction, whether or not there’s a direct relation to a specific exhibition.”

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