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Editorial: New Izzone ticketing system will discourage attendance

September 23, 2015

For returning Izzone members, a change in the way tickets are bought might discourage them from purchasing them again this year.

This year, students will pay $55 for the Izzone membership, which includes the opportunity to buy individual tickets to the games.

Yes, the opportunity. 

Students who pay the $55 membership fee and attend the Izzone Campout on Oct. 9 will be able to purchase individual game tickets for an extra $10. 

Attending games from the previous season, attending the campout this year and buying tickets this year will result in an earlier game selection date, which begins on Oct. 13. 

This works in the favor of upperclassmen and returning members, as they will be more likely to receive one of the first opportunities to purchase tickets. 

However, with 17 home games on the schedule and $10 per game, the price of season tickets has gone from the usual price of about $180 to $225, if students choose to purchase admission to all the games. 

Students do not have to purchase tickets to all 17 games, but will be required to purchase a minimum of four game tickets per semester.

Coming off a season with a NCAA Final Four appearance, it makes sense why the price has increased. More students will likely to purchase season tickets to support a team known for its success. 

Yet, $225 is a lot of money to fork over for a student and much more than football season tickets – and those didn't see a major increase after the Rose Bowl or Cotton Bowl wins. 

On top of that, tickets for popular games, such as the University of Wisconsin or Ohio State games, more people will likely buy – leading to the potential that a returning Izzone member might not be able to buy tickets for these games before they sell out.

There's good intention behind selling tickets per game. This means students do not have to pay for every game when there will likely be games they cannot attend. 

But the security of knowing a student purchased attendance to all the games when buying Izzone tickets in previous years seemed to serve as a better process. If a student couldn't make the game, it was easy to find someone to take the ticket.

With this new process, many students will likely not purchase tickets for the exhibition games against Northern Michigan and Ferris State. While these games tend to be blow outs, it's still important to fill the stands and support the team. 

The old process of sending lower bowl students into the upper bowl if they did not attend enough games during the first half of the season also served as an incentive to make sure the stands were filled. 

MSU has one of the best basketball teams around. But unless the athletic department gives more of an inventive to students, our Spartans might just have to get used to playing to a dwindling student section.

An earlier version of this article misstated the price of attending all the home games for $250. It is $225.

An earlier version of this article stated the price of tickets has "skyrocketed." This did not accurately reflect the price difference, and has been changed. 

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