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'U' student accused of rape to stand trial

The MSU student accused of raping a floormate will stand trial in Ingham County Circuit Court, a judge ruled Friday.

Travis Eichten, the marketing freshman accused of assaulting an 18-year-old freshman at Emmons Hall, faced his accuser for the first time at a preliminary examination in East Lansing's 54-B District Court.

The 18-year-old student said she met Eichten the first weekend of the semester.

The two had kissed several times, but she testified she would not go physically further unless the two were in a relationship.

Judge David Jordon listened as the student described the night of Sept. 2. She said she went to a party with several people on her floor, where they drank and smoked marijuana. She reported blacking out at the party and did not remember anything until she woke up falling from a loft in Eichten's room.

She said she was in pain the next day, and went to Olin Health Center on Wednesday, where she learned her shoulder was dislocated. Officials there noticed bruising on her leg, arm and inner thigh, and asked if she wanted to speak with a police officer.

Anthony Flores, Ingham County assistant prosecuting attorney, said he was prepared to bring eight witnesses, but brought five to shorten the exam.

Eichten was not called to the stand, and although it was mentioned he had been drinking, the topic was not discussed at length.

Eichten's lawyer, Frank Reynolds, said they plan to continue with the case to trial.


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