Thursday, April 18, 2024

Bush does little for young voters

In the third debate, Texas Gov. George W. Bush explained that young people are apathetic about voting because they see politicians saying one thing and doing another. He goes on to say, “What I think ought to happen to encourage the young to become involved is to shoot straight.” On numerous occasions he simply intones “the truth.”

This year in Michigan the Republicans passed a law requiring the address on a voter registration be the same as the address on his or her driver’s license. “It was to prevent fraud,” the Republican spokesman replies solemnly. If Republicans cannot avoid fraud in explaining their motive for introducing this law, which has a principle effect of reducing participation by the young in voting, why should we believe Bush’s vaunted desire to encourage the young to get involved in the political process? Some people say one thing “but do another.”

Nolan Kaiser
Mount Pleasant resident


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