Monday, May 13, 2024

Mitch Goldsmith

Recent Articles


Letter: MSU has long road ahead after federal findings

The OCR’s report offers a sobering look inside the innermost workings of the university’s response to complaints of sexual violence and harassment. Rather than seeking to deflect or minimize the OCR’s findings, the university should respond with humility; apologizing for past mistakes and demonstrate their commitment to improvement by transparently adhering to their consent agreement with the OCR.


Divert animal research elsewhere

This week is ‘World Week for Animals in Laboratories,’ an internationally recognized week of activism and outreach aimed at raising awareness about the plight of animals in labs and the abuses of animal experimentation.


URC promotes unsustainability

Last month, The State News published an article (“United they stand” SN 3/19) chronicling the partnership among MSU, the University of Michigan and Wayne State University on scientific research initiatives the schools assert will better the Michigan economy and bring skilled jobs to the state.


Animal abuse no longer tolerated

This spring, a familiar sight at MSU has become no more. For more than two decades, a local civic group has worked with Breslin Center to bring the Florida-based Royal Hanneford Circus to campus for several days’ worth of performances.


Keep religion, government apart

In the current political climate, with the presidential election looming and Republican primaries still ongoing, many conservatives are tumbling over one another in a mad dash to the right. In their race to the bottom, the Republicans in the Michigan House and Senate are attempting to roll back the clock on civil rights and social justice, and by and large, they are succeeding.